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BLH Files Lawsuit On Behalf of Nicholas Feliciano, Man Left Hanging in Rikers Cell For Seven Minutes

Madeline Feliciano, the guardian of Mr. Nicholas Feliciano, the boy who was left hanging in his cell at Rikers Island for seven minutes while corrections officers ignored him, makes the one-year anniversary of this tragedy by filing two lawsuits to seek justice for Nicholas Feliciano.

“Every one of these officials should be behind bars. It is unacceptable they are back working while Nicholas is still in a hospital bed,” said Jonathan C. Moore, senior partner at Beldock Levine & Hoffman, LLP. The prosecutors at the Southern District of New York have recently referred the matter to the Bronx District Attorney’s office.

“It has been a whole year and no one at City Hall has reached out. I’m filing these lawsuits to yell for justice. Nicholas is still not the same; the system’s failures make me so angry and we need some accountability,” said Madeline Feliciano.

“We bring these lawsuits today to show the world how many ways the City of New York and the Department of Correction failed Mr. Feliciano. It is beyond comprehension that anyone would watch another human attempt suicide and not help them, but the failings here are an indictment of the whole corrections system. Mr. Feliciano should have been in a mental health unit where he could get some help,” said David B. Rankin, of Beldock Levine & Hoffman LLP.

Ms. Feliciano is represented by Beldock Levine & Hoffman, LLP, the firm who represented Eric Garner and members of the Central Park 5, and co-counseled Floyd, the stop and frisk litigation



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