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Matrimonial & Family Law


Our family law practice,  includes representation of clients in litigated and negotiated matters involving divorce, separation, child custody, child support, spousal maintenance, equitable distribution, paternity, guardianship, domestic violence, adoption, pre-nuptial, post-nuptial, cohabitation and domestic partnership agreements, and in post-judgment enforcement, modification and appellate proceedings. We have extensive experience in both Supreme Court and Family Court throughout the boroughs of New York City and adjacent counties.


While we place a high value on reaching negotiated settlements, we also conduct trials, hearings and appeals when necessary to achieve favorable outcomes for our clients. Alternative dispute resolution, including mediation, collaborative law and arbitration, is also part of our practice.


We draw on our experience and our firm’s diverse practice areas to provide services in such critical areas as child custody, visitation and relocation disputes, domestic violence, child support, spousal maintenance, and the valuation of businesses, practices, stock options, and appraisal of commercial and residential properties, for equitable distribution. We provide individualized, full-service and cost-effective representation to each of our clients regardless of the size or complexity of the matter.



Jonathan K. Pollack

Marjory D. Fields

99 Park Avenue, PH/26th Floor | New York, NY 10016  |  P: 212.490.0400 |  F: 212.277.5880 

© 2025 Beldock Levine & Hoffman LLP

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