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International Human Rights


Attorneys with the firm have been involved in cases raising important international human rights issues. We represented the Republic of Ecuador in a class action lawsuit brought by Ecuadorian citizens charging Texaco with environmental damage arising from oil drilling activities in the Amazon River basin.  We currently represent a putative class of Vietnamese civilians who are suing Dow Chemical, Monsanto, and many other chemical companies for personal injuries and environmental damage caused by the use of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. Our lawyers also provide legal support and assistance to other organizations involved in human rights issues around the world.



Henry Dlugacz

Jonathan C. Moore

Cynthia Rollings

Luna Droubi






99 Park Avenue, PH/26th Floor | New York, NY 10016  |  P: 212.490.0400 |  F: 212.277.5880 

© 2025 Beldock Levine & Hoffman LLP

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