Emily Jane Goodman served as an elected NYS Supreme Court judge for more than twenty-five years. Prior to that she was a judge in the Criminal and Civil Courts. She has presided over just about every type of case heard in the state courts.
She has returned to the practice of law because she missed advocacy and direct client contact. She is also a consultant to other law firms and a popular mediator.
Judge Goodman holds BA, JD and MS degrees (the latter in Journalism). She frequently writes on legal issues for general publications including The New York Times, The Nation, Newsday and various on-line sites. She also edits and critiques books, legal papers and briefs.
Professional Activities
NY County Lawyers (Board of Directors)
National Lawyers Guild NYC (Executive Committee)
National Lawyers Guild Foundation (Board of Directors)
Association of Supreme Court Justices NY
National Association of Women Judges
Adco Foundation (President)
Veteran Feminists of America
Columbia Graduate School of Journalism (M.S. 1980)
Brooklyn Law School (J.D. 1968)
Bar Admissions
U.S. District Court, Southern & Eastern Districts of New York
New York State
Supreme Court of the United States
National Lawyers Guild; Housing Conservation Coordinators; Asian American Women; Lifetime Achievement Award (Dem)
Judicial (Elected Judge)
Civil Court, 1984-85
Criminal Court, 1986-88
Supreme Court Criminal Division, 1988-92
Supreme Court Civil Division, 1993-2012
Woodrow Wilson Visiting Scholar (various years)
Charles H. Revson Urban Fellow Columbia University (1980)
Charles H. Revson Fellow CCNY (1982)
Judge Goodman is widely published in print and digital media including The NYTimes, The Nation, New York Magazine, Gotham Gazette, and The NY Law Journal on law-related topics including women's issues, ethics, and criminal law. She has thousands of published decisions in all areas.