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Chuxin (Cali) Xu


Family Law Fellow


Tel: 212-277-5824

Chuxin Cali Headshot.jpg

Chuxin (Cali) joined BLH as the Family Law Legal Fellow in January 2024. She earned her Master of Laws (LL.M.) from New York University School of Law in 2022 and her Bachelor of Laws from East China University of Political Science and Law in 2018.


During her LL.M. studies, she contributed to the Linguistic Fairness and Cultural Rights Research Group at the Allen Institute, focusing on researching regulations related to potential bias and discrimination arising from the use of AI in commercial contexts. After graduating from NYU, she served as a judicial fellow for the Honorable Gerald Lebovits in the New York State Supreme Court, where she primarily prepared pre-argument reports and recommendations on pending motions.


Prior to pursuing her LL.M., she practiced intellectual property law in China for two years, with duties including providing advice on trademark applications and prosecution actions, managing IP portfolios, and developing strategic materials to assist China Customs in identifying counterfeit goods.



New York University School of Law

(Master of Laws 2022)


East China University of Political Science and Law

(Bachelor of Laws 2018)


Family and Matrimonial

Intellectual Property and Entertainment


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99 Park Avenue, PH/26th Floor | New York, NY 10016  |  P: 212.490.0400 |  F: 212.277.5880 

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